Posted 27 May 2020
Much to the relief of many business owners, including most of rural New Zealand, the Government announced the move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on Wednesday 13 May.
This allowed time before Gypsy Day when the dairy farming community sees major movements of stock, farm workers and contract/share milkers. At Level 2 inter-regional travel is allowed, which is great as it means no extra paperwork or admin to gain permission for those people and stock moving longer distances around NZ.
Gatherings are meant to be limited to 100 people or less, which should not impede stock and people movement. In addition, the farming community has already been operating as an essential service with the required safety procedures in place now for over 6 weeks.
The team at StockRock wish all our clients and the wider farming community all the best for Gypsy Day. We know some milkers, workers and herds are in for a nice surprise when they move to farms with StockRock farm race surfaces that reduce lameness in cows and assist better movement of stock to and from milking.
For farmers wanting more information on the logistics of Gypsy Day during Covid-19, here are the latest advisory updates from Federated Farmers.